Version 0.3 available, and the future

Version 0.3

Netorase Phone version 0.3 is now available. This version adds Chapter 6, and changes some story beats in Chapter 1, mainly around communication with Ashley.

But, more importantly, this update adds the saving system. The way it works is that a checkpoint is created at the start of each chapter, saving your progress and your stats. At any point, you can load a previous checkpoint to restart a chapter.

Note that progress is only save at the end and beginning of chapters for now.

This version also adds a "Factory Reset" option to restart the game completely, corrects an issue with texts slowing as the game progresses, and a few other minor fixes.

I hope you'll like it and, as always, feel free to share your feedback in the comments.

Supporting the development

If you want to support the development of Netorase Phone, you can join its Patreon. You will get access to the future versions a week in advance, and will be able to participate in polls to have an impact on the game's story and functionalities. Click on the banner below, or follow this link.

Expanding the story

Now that the foundations are done, future updates will focus on expanding the story, and also improving the current content. I am not completely satisfied with the current pacing, and will probably rewrite some of what is already published now that I have a better feeling for it.

On top of that, I plan on adding at least three chapters before the currently available ones, creating a Prologue to the game, dealing with introducing Laura to the lifestyle.

Future versions

Note that from now on, there will probably be a bit more time between each versions. I considered current versions as "drafts", but I plan on making following ones a bit more polished. Also, I simply had a lot of time on my hand these past few weeks, and will probably have a bit less in the future.

Rest assured that the game will progress steadily though, and that I will often release updates, as I fully believe smaller but more frequent updates are the way to go while developing a project.


Netorase Phone 0.3 (Windows) 116 MB
49 days ago

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